Affordable Tuition Program

CCA provides a way to afford Christian education. Between Financial Aid and other programs, there is a means to make a way for private Christian education. Call or email for more information on how to apply for our affordable tuition program.
Admission Policy
- The parents must be born-again, Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Christians (an exception may be made when only one parent is a born-again believer provided the non-believing spouse agrees not to oppose the Biblical teaching of the school).
- All families must attend a Bible-believing, gospel preaching church.
- The parents must agree with the school’s Statement of Faith.
- Parents must be interviewed by the Head of School.
- All prospective Kindergarten students will take a developmental observation assessment to determine Kindergarten readiness. All prospective 1st through 12th grade students will take a reading, math and grammar evaluation exam. These assessments are not entrance exams, but a tool to help the school better prepare for the student.
- Prospective Kindergarten and 1st grade students must be five and six years old respectively before September 1.
- CCA may refuse to admit a student with severe academic, disciplinary or psychological problems as CCA does not at this time have the resources to adequately provide proper education regarding these specialized needs.
- The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origins in the administration of its admissions policies.
- All students and parents must agree to abide by the policies as set forth by the CCA Parent and Student Handbook.
- Any misrepresentation on entrance applications may result in forfeiture of enrollment.